Friday, January 14, 2005

Wholesale Coffees : newswire ; 2005 coffee crop;

Wholesale Coffee Fresh This years crop.The Quebec tea and coffee industry is the eighth largest manufacturing branch of the food and beverage sector, with $378 million worth of manufacturing shipments in 1999, up 31% from 19946. The size of the industry, which employs 716 people (1997 data), is all the more remarkable given that supplies of raw materials come entirely from abroad.The $200 million plus anual in added value illustrates how dynamic the coffee roasting and marketing sector is in Quebec.The variety in manufacturing shipments in the Quebec tea and coffee industry reflect fluctuations in the world prices of the commodities on international markets.Overall consumption is fairly stable, so annual variations of 5–10% in world production cause sharp price swings. 3,300 -- number of cups of coffee that are consumed each second worldwide


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